function [cout,H,CS] = contourf(varargin) %CONTOURF Filled contour plot. % CONTOURF(...) is the same as CONTOUR(...) except that the contours % are filled. Areas of the data at or above a given level are filled. % Areas below a level are either left blank or are filled by a lower % level. NaN's in the data leave holes in the filled contour plot. % % C = CONTOURF(...) returns contour matrix C as described in CONTOURC % and used by CLABEL. % % [C,H,CF] = CONTOURF(...) also returns a column vector H of handles % to PATCH objects and the contour matrix CF for the filled areas. % The UserData property of each object contains the height value for each % contour. % % Example: % z=peaks; contourf(z), hold on, shading flat % [c,h]=contour(z,'k-'); clabel(c,h), colorbar % % See also CONTOUR, CONTOUR3, CLABEL, COLORBAR. % Author: R. Pawlowicz (IOS) 12/14/94 % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 1.23 $ $Date: 1998/04/09 13:17:29 $ error(nargchk(1,5,nargin)); % Check for empty arguments. for i = 1:nargin if isempty(varargin{i}) error ('Invalid Argument - Input matrix is empty'); end end % Trim off the last arg if it's a string (line_spec). nin = nargin; if isstr(varargin{end}) [lin,col,mark,msg] = colstyle(varargin{end}); if ~isempty(msg), error(msg); end nin = nin - 1; else lin = ''; col = ''; end if (nin == 4), [x,y,z,nv] = deal(varargin{1:4}); if (size(y,1)==1), y=y'; end; if (size(x,2)==1), x=x'; end; [mz,nz] = size(z); elseif (nin == 3), [x,y,z] = deal(varargin{1:3}); nv = []; if (size(y,1)==1), y=y'; end; if (size(x,2)==1), x=x'; end; [mz,nz] = size(z); elseif (nin == 2), [z,nv] = deal(varargin{1:2}); [mz,nz] = size(z); x = 1:nz; y = (1:mz)'; elseif (nin == 1), z = varargin{1}; [mz,nz] = size(z); x = 1:nz; y = (1:mz)'; nv = []; end if nin <= 2, [mc,nc] = size(varargin{1}); lims = [1 nc 1 mc]; else lims = [min(varargin{1}(:)),max(varargin{1}(:)), ... min(varargin{2}(:)),max(varargin{2}(:))]; end i = find(isfinite(z)); minz = min(z(i)); maxz = max(z(i)); % Generate default contour levels if they aren't specified if length(nv) <= 1 if isempty(nv) CS=contourc([minz maxz ; minz maxz]); else CS=contourc([minz maxz ; minz maxz],nv); end % Find the levels ii = 1; nv = minz; % Include minz so that the contours are totally filled while (ii < size(CS,2)), nv=[nv CS(1,ii)]; ii = ii + CS(2,ii) + 1; end end % Don't fill contours below the lowest level specified in nv. % To fill all contours, specify a value of nv lower than the % minimum of the surface. draw_min=0; if any(nv <= minz), draw_min=1; end % Get the unique levels nv = sort([minz nv(:)']); zi = [1, find(diff(nv))+1]; nv = nv(zi); % Surround the matrix by a very low region to get closed contours, and % replace any NaN with low numbers as well. zz=[ repmat(NaN,1,nz+2) ; repmat(NaN,mz,1) z repmat(NaN,mz,1) ; repmat(NaN,1,nz+2)]; kk=find(isnan(zz(:))); zz(kk)=minz-1e4*(maxz-minz)+zeros(size(kk)); xx = [2*x(:,1)-x(:,2), x, 2*x(:,nz)-x(:,nz-1)]; yy = [2*y(1,:)-y(2,:); y; 2*y(mz,:)-y(mz-1,:)]; if (min(size(yy))==1), [CS,msg]=contours(xx,yy,zz,nv); else [CS,msg]=contours(xx([ 1 1:mz mz],:),yy(:,[1 1:nz nz]),zz,nv); end; if ~isempty(msg), error(msg); end % Find the indices of the curves in the c matrix, and get the % area of closed curves in order to draw patches correctly. ii = 1; ncurves = 0; I = []; Area=[]; while (ii < size(CS,2)), nl=CS(2,ii); ncurves = ncurves + 1; I(ncurves) = ii; xp=CS(1,ii+(1:nl)); % First patch yp=CS(2,ii+(1:nl)); Area(ncurves)=sum( diff(xp).*(yp(1:nl-1)+yp(2:nl))/2 ); ii = ii + nl + 1; end newplot; if ~ishold, view(2); set(gca,'box','on'); set(gca,'xlim',lims(1:2),'ylim',lims(3:4)) end % Plot patches in order of decreasing size. This makes sure that % all the levels get drawn, not matter if we are going up a hill or % down into a hole. When going down we shift levels though, you can % tell whether we are going up or down by checking the sign of the % area (since curves are oriented so that the high side is always % the same side). Lowest curve is largest and encloses higher data % always. H=[]; [FA,IA]=sort(-abs(Area)); if ~isstr(get(gca,'color')), bg = get(gca,'color'); else bg = get(gcf,'color'); end if isempty(col) edgec = get(gcf,'defaultsurfaceedgecolor'); else edgec = col; end if isempty(lin) edgestyle = get(gcf,'defaultpatchlinestyle'); else edgestyle = lin; end % Tolerance for edge comparison xtol = 0.1*(lims(2)-lims(1))/size(z,2); ytol = 0.1*(lims(4)-lims(3))/size(z,1); if nargout>0 cout = []; end for jj=IA, nl=CS(2,I(jj)); lev=CS(1,I(jj)); if (lev ~= minz | draw_min ), xp=CS(1,I(jj)+(1:nl)); yp=CS(2,I(jj)+(1:nl)); if (sign(Area(jj)) ~=sign(Area(IA(1))) ), kk=find(nv==lev); if (kk>1+sum(nv<=minz)*(~draw_min)), lev=nv(kk-1); else lev=NaN; % missing data section end end if (isfinite(lev)), % H=[H;patch(xp,yp,lev,'facecolor','flat','edgecolor',edgec, ... % 'linestyle',edgestyle,'userdata',lev)]; H=[H;patch(xp,yp,lev,'facecolor','flat','edgecolor','none')]; else % H=[H;patch(xp,yp,lev,'facecolor',bg,'edgecolor',edgec, ... % 'linestyle',edgestyle,'userdata',CS(1,I(jj)))]; H=[H;patch(xp,yp,lev,'facecolor',get(gca,'color'),'edgecolor','none')]; end if nargout>0 xp(abs(xp - lims(1)) < xtol | abs(xp - lims(2)) < xtol) = NaN; yp(abs(yp - lims(3)) < ytol | abs(yp - lims(4)) < ytol) = NaN; cout = [cout,[lev xp;nl yp]]; end end end numPatches = length(H); if numPatches>1 for i=1:numPatches set(H(i), 'faceoffsetfactor', 0, 'faceoffsetbias', (1e-3)+(numPatches-i)/(numPatches-1)/30); end end